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Last updated 6 February 2014

Introduction to the story of 2030 in Bellingen NSW

The year 2030 in the Bellingen area has as usual been hot and dry with a number of storms when the weather patterns allow these to happen.

The purpose of this story is to record the journey from 2014 to 2030. 

2014 is a relevant year although the Bellingen Shire 2030 plan had been adopted in 2012, but it was in 2014 that the community realised that Governments at all levels did not have the will to prepare for the future, but wanted to continue with “business as usual”. Therefore the community would need to take control of their own destiny.

The then Bellingen Shire web site reported the following

"Bellingen's 2030 Community Strategic Plan gets a Tick of Approval
Last year, in line with the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) legislation the residents and stakeholders of Bellingen Shire took part in the creation of its Community Strategic Plan (CSP).
The plan, which is currently under review, provides details on how Council intends to deliver works and services in the short and long term based on the community priorities identified through the consultation and engagement process. The IP&R suite of documents were adopted by Council in June 2012. 
In recognition of both the work undertaken and the quality of these plans, the Division of Local Government, has selected Bellingen Council as an example of good practice and will promote our overall suite of plans in its updated Planning and Reporting for local government in NSW Manual and Guidelines. Most importantly Bellingen Shire Council was one of only 10 councils to be showcased in this way. 
These documents are generally used by councils to guide their approach to, and implementation of, the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R).
General Manager, Liz Jeremy was thrilled with the announcement and took the opportunity to again thank the residents and community groups who came together throughout the consultation process to help shape the future direction of our community."

The 2030 plan listed a number of challenges and the following sections outline what happened between 2014 and 2030.

One challenge that was not listed was the demise of the Bellingen Shire Council absorbed into the super council that stretches from the Central Coast to the Queensland border. How the people of Bellingen dealt with this change is described under the challenge "ENGAGING WITH EACH OTHER"

The problem of dealing with climate change in the lead up to 2030, was that no experts could be sure what changes would be prominent, so decisions were made to deal with all possibilities. This proved to be correct because a long dry period could be followed by savage storms and floods but the trend was always warmer, but with unpredictable cold snaps.